The Self-Love Experience

Meditation Video with Carla Salteris

Come take a relaxing inner journey to understand the connection you have with your Inner Being (your Soul). This part of you that is an extension of Source Energy (God energy/Universal life force) is always experienced on the high-end of the emotional scale*. Experience this pure, positive unconditional love and be fully present with your emotions, as I guide you through this meditation and self-reflective “mirror“ exercise. You will attain greater insight about where you find yourself now, on the emotional scale, most of the time. Our human mind is what keeps us out of alignment with our natural state of Self-Love. When you understand how you have the power to train your mind and experience more joy and love…you get out of your own way and the love you want can be drawn to you. If what you experience interests you, be sure to book a Clarity call with me and get a free workbook to explore where you are in your quest for love.

*Abraham-Hicks’ emotional scale as described in the book, Ask and It Is Given, by Esther and Jerry Hicks.

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